This Week On the War Front
It's been an interesting week on the war front in this temporary timeline, hasn't it? There's been a lot of exposure of phantoms who...

A Hard Week Of Perseverance
It's been a hard week of perseverance for me. I got news of a beautiful young girl dying of Cancer and it kind-of destroyed me for a...

Why God Can't Heal Your Kid
There's a little thing we'll refer to as Positive Frequency Resonance, which is the core of what the Bible is really all about, that...

How The Rich & Poor Are Identical: Brain Parasites
I'm going to include a post in this blog that you all should've read by now. It's about brain parasites that humans are afflicted with in...

For Those Interested In Secrets of the Worlds
There's a book, well a small handbook, that goes into graphic detail about the Spirit Scan and the Frequency Resonance war. For those who...

Kitty Village Update
Some kitty updates are in order. Some people are letting their kitties out all night to steal food from our homeless kitties. I've had to...

We Are 1 WARriors!
We are engaged in an invisible war, whether we want to admit it or not. Some of us are being used as avatars for the enemy forces and we...

Brain Parasite Symptoms
The world is waking up! Peep this post I found out there: Okay. So we’re in the era of zombies created with the brain parasites combined...

Prophecy Being Perpetuated By Pastors/Preachers/Bible Teachers: No Sound Doctrine
The prophecy warning that no sound doctrine will be found is being perpetuated by Illuminati controlled "Christian" pastors and teachers...

Are Gays Really Damned To Hell? KJV Fables From Fact
Okay. The charlatans and charlots engaged in their charlotry from behind the pulpit will want my head on a pike for teaching anything...