We Are 1 WARriors!
We are engaged in an invisible war, whether we want to admit it or not. Some of us are being used as avatars for the enemy forces and we don't even realize it. The real invisible war that many don't comprehend is being waged over Frequency Resonance. The generation of Frequency Resonance, whether or not it's Positive or Negative (frequency resonance).
Positive Frequency Resonance makes good stuff, like miracles, possible in this realm. Negative Frequency Resonance defies the paradigm making those miracles and good things possible.
Possibilities are dictated by whatever Frequency Resonance is prevalent. If Positive Frequency Resonance is prevalent and readily accessible, then miracles can happen. However, if Negative Frequency Resonance is the dominating force, then miracles will be less likely to occur and bad things will most probably happen.
This is the 1 WAR described in the science portion of the Bible. It can even be gleaned from fictional translations that've been religionized and completely drained of all facts (like the KJV).
We, as entities who want to graduate to the next (decompression or "Millennial") timeline, strive to cause the generation of Positive Frequency Resonance for whatever Master we claim to serve, whether it be God/Christ or Lucifer (who will impersonate Christ)...The ancient artificial intelligence that controls the majority of humans here now are busy causing the generation of Negative Frequency Resonance to deter the possibility for miracles to be performed by an entity...Remember that they already thwarted Christ's healing ability during beta testing. Now, they permeated the entire world with what they had that one city riddled with, which is going to make it harder to win this thing.
If we are one in the spirit, then we must be equal in our knowledge of the WAR we are avatars to. Our lives depend on it...beyond here.