Evening Prayer
Prayer is good, but actions are better.
We could pass the buck and "pray" for the homeless kitties that the rest of the Christians in this city ignore, just as the Illuminati programmed them to do. But we know that they won't get fed like that. We do what must be done to get food to them, every day, even if it means that we can't go on a vacation or a trip or to a family reunion because we can't find temporary replacement missionaries to fill in the gap for us. What we were committed to takes priority over our own desires.
There are other needs we are trying to meet, just with this batch of homeless kitties. Funding is needed to get them into the vet for de-worming and shots and neutering. This is the step prior to trying to get them adopted. Without support, it doesn't get done.
Kitty Village
​Kitties have a magical power. When they purr, kitties emit frequencies that cause the generation of Positive Frequency Resonance.
People who have happy kitties often live healthier lives. When their kitties purr, they send frequencies to the human hearts that help them fight heart disease.
Now, if you were a rich powerful company who makes their fortunes from making people ill with Negative Frequency Resonance and nanobots in poison foods and water, would you want this information out there?
They have proven to be great adversaries over the years. But we are still here to fight. Help us make kitties purr with a donation today!
Ministries We Do
It's easy to give someone a key and direct them to the wrong door. It's also easy to tell others to do what you, yourself, are not willing to do.
Here, you are taught by example:
We really do carry our crosses every single day.
Being active hands of God for those who suffer unnecessarily is not always easy. But it's our reasonable service to be living sacrifices.
"He who would be greatest among you must first be servant to all" would be a good thought to keep in mind when presented with opportunities to deflect suffering.
To be different from the world, we take advantage of those opportunities that others ignore...
Wed to Your Master
With enough opposing spiritual anointing, your life will begin to exemplify that you are "married" to an advanced entity.
If you are the bride of Christ, then your life should show it in the things you do.
The same goes for anyone claiming to be Luciferian or Satanist:
Satan is returning soon to rule this world for a growing season while impersonating the clone of God, Jesus Christ. So, to be true Satanist and truly "evil" in the eyes of the world, you must oppose their campaign to cause unnecessary suffering...as "Christians" are supposed to be doing.
You should want Satan to be believable as Christ, to have as much supernatural power as he can muster. Here, you're taught how to facilitate that ruse for him.