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About us


This ministry was started out of necessity. God and Lucifer both need proper representation here. Charlatans are engaged in charlotry, harlotry from behind the pulpit. Thus, organized religion has created useless zombies that will not fight against the true enemies. Staggering statistics state that there are over 2.2 BILLION "Christians" in the world today. So they outnumber the 70 MILLION homeless animals that they're neglecting via their omission to rescue them. Same for the other organized traditional religions. They cause the generation of Negative Frequency Resonance for the ancient artificial intelligence that has been programmed to hate God, Christ and Lucifer with no sense of self-preservation.

There are ways to be effective against them. Causing the generation of Positive Frequency Resonance is a proven method to throw monkey wrenches in their agendas. Getting other timelines involved also helps. They're with us because we are against exploiting their timelines to benefit this temporary timeline that will soon be undone along with all perpetuation of Negative Frequency Resonance generation and all who perpetuated it...after they are punished in the time loops as their victims, as per the "Do unto others" clause we all agreed to.

Organized religion is failing to teach the basics of the science of the Bible. This ministry will actively combat that obstruction while shaming them with our actions that make us valuable transfers to the next (decompression/"Millennial") timeline and maybe even to the Real World that this simulation mechanism, commandeered to be utilized as a spirit scan, is designed to protect.

We feed and minister to homeless animals. We fight the Illuminati and their evil agendas. We are not tax exempt because we are a true threat to them and we do not answer to any human controlled entity nor organization.

© 2017 by 1 World Anti Religion (1WAR). Proudly created with

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c/o LMC

POB 105

Grayling, MI 49738

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