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Are Gays Really Damned To Hell? KJV Fables From Fact

Okay. The charlatans and charlots engaged in their charlotry from behind the pulpit will want my head on a pike for teaching anything opposing to their messages on homosexuality. Since I like to crawl up the asses of King James wannabes, let's proceed to find out the TRUTH about the subject.

First off, did you know that the Bible was more accurately translated prior to the King James Version? Did you know that the KJV is the government sanctioned version? What do we know about that? Think about it. People who are against you sanction the KJV. But why? It's so GOOD, right? Even the gov likes it!

There's your red flag, right there.

Let's take a peek at history for a brief second: Historically, King James was a woman-hating self-loathing closet homosexual. Self-loathing, so he hates himself and other fags and regards himself as "dirty", which was probably instilled into him by his mother or another female guardian to explain his chauvinism.

If you ever get your hands on a good copy of a 1611 version of a King James Version Bible, read the prologue from the translators. Read between the lines. They warn of the inaccuracy of the fictional presentation and how it had to read a certain way to best serve their own self-preservation. Now, consider this and how God's personality mirrors King James' own in the KJV Bible...God conveniently thinks just like King James did in the KJV Bible and you can't pretend not to notice it once you know this.

Now, King James hated women and fags and himself for being a fag. His mentality must've been that his double standard that made him immune from scrutiny was warranted due to his position as king. He thought he was "special". His mama told him so, right before she put him on the "wittle bus" every morning (I jest, they didn't have little buses back then).

Even the time-warp manipulated scriptures still attest that whatsoever proceeds out (of the mouth) from a human is what defiles it. I think that I'm leaning towards modesty here, or the sense to keep some things private. Just as heterosexual (straight) people must keep their sexual escapades to themselves or be regarded as child-sexualizing perverts and pedophiles, so must homosexual people retain a certain level of privacy. If a man exposes his penis to your child, you regard him as a "perve" or a "pedo", right? Well, if a homosexual or a lesbian insists on forcing their sexuality into your mind and into the minds of your children in their vain folly to somehow be "accepted" by "everyone", then are they not equally perves and pedos, as well? I mean, your kid will think about sex whenever they see or think about that person after forcing the issue of that person's gayness into the child's head. If your identity becomes all about your sexual preference to the extreme degree that you must wear it on your exterior like a banner, then perhaps you're making others like you look bad to the rest of the world.

Everybody has sex. Not everybody feels the need to talk about it. Not everybody feels the need to make you and the rest of society know what they prefer, sexually. That information is only valuable in the mind of your lover, anyway. Why make others think about it?

I know that many who think that they're "saved" will not be graduating to the next timeline nor to the real world. "I never knew you" will be their awakening moment, a bit too late. There are many who do not believe that they can be acceptable to serve God simply because they are gay. Brain parasite afflicted charlatans have taken King James' twisted little fairy-tale laced "translation" and used it as a whipping stick upon all who defy their rigid stances against anything that they cannot understand, manipulate, subjugate, or otherwise exploit. A staggering 93% of all preachers who preach against homosexuality will secretly have sex with a shemale or a gay man if they think they can get away with it. That's because they worked the money angles of the Bible, which is all religious nonsense that distracts from the true science of the text and the clauses that we all agreed to. They deem their followers as feeble-minded little sheep who must be fleeced instead of prepared and armed against the enemy. They even have their flocks firing off at Satan, who hasn't been here for 2,000 years, while allowing the ancient artificial intelligence in control here to beat them down. That's like ordering your troops to commit suicide by shooting at shadows while the enemy kills them from behind.

Those who teach that gays are automatically damned to "Hell" when they die don't know what they're talking about. They don't teach the basic science presented in the Bible. So their followers never get the facts and do not know that they're in a simulation mechanism that's been commandeered (from Lucifer, the "God" of it, according to Yah, Himself) to be utilized as a spirit scan for a temporary timeline that will be undone when it's completed. They never know that they are being gauged for real world existence viability while in a preexistence state and that they're equipped with non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory that even records their thoughts (states of their hearts) and their omissions.

2.2 BILLION "Christians" listen to those homeless animal hating, fag hating charlatans. How many fags who rescue homeless animals are more desirable to GOD, while those preachers and teachers are as stench in His nose? You'd be surprised at the answer to that question.

Your concern should be with your own level of Positive Frequency Resonance generation, what's on record in the spirit memories of the entities (human/animal/spirit) that you effected while you were here being scanned. Your focus should NOT be on someone else's sex unless that sex negatively effects other entities. There are pedophiles and rapists out there who need to be shamed and punished. As soldiers against that mindset, you don't have the luxury of time, resources and energy for starting wars with entities who don't harm others with what they do in private. It's none of your business. Worry more about that pedophile out there who might sexualize a kid and steal its innocence and cause its brainwaves to generate Negative Frequency Resonance for the enemies of God, Christ and Lucifer.

"Your wives will be ravished" attests to the character of Lucifer and the fallen angels, who will ravish women to cause Positive Frequency Resonance to enhance their own supernatural power. The ancient artificial intelligence that opposes God, Christ and Lucifer causes molestation and rape for this same reason, to cause the generation of the opposing Negative Frequency Resonance...That's some empowering knowledge, isn't it? Do you see how the whole "gay faggot" issue is just a distraction from that science?

I'd rather have some fags who rescue animals and fight against pedophilia and rape in the real world than some "Christian" bullies who ignore the plight of the homeless animals because they've become proper little Illuminati-controlled zombie-slave-clones who do the bidding of the ancient A.I. instead.

I think that they should be ashamed of themselves if they're addressing the sex of other people instead of the plight of God's creations who did not sow any evil seed for the harvest that they're reaping due to "Christian" negligence. The animals sowed good seed. They showed up all cuddly and pretty and ready to be good family members. But the evil 2.2 BILLION "Christians", who outnumber those 70 MILLION homeless animals, are helping the Illuminati to make a LIAR out of GOD with the harvest that they allow those animals to be forced to accept. They're in violation of the "Do unto others" clause and they will die to be time looped as those animals while fags who helped the animals will spend their escrow in the next timeline and maybe even in the real world (if they graduate from that timeline, too).

So now you see how God might love that fag you hate so badly while not even knowing your own preacher, who never taught you any of the basics that you get from this ministry.


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