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This Week On the War Front

It's been an interesting week on the war front in this temporary timeline, hasn't it? There's been a lot of exposure of phantoms who refuse to exist beyond this timeline, too.

I got my Dell laptop, the one that I wrote about last week. It's got a superior soundcard, although it does not have a recording device jack. It seems to be a quality made unit, for the most part. I had to learn how to disable some stuff in Windows 10. But I'm getting the hang of it. Now, to wait for the wife's next check to see if there's gonna be something up with the payment arrangement. If they charge her for the whole price out of one check, we may end up homeless. So, just to order something is a risk that would not be a risk for others in better financial positions. As it stands, my wife already has to borrow from a payday loan place every pay day just to make the bills...She loses $40 plus per pay period to that...How many "Christians" know that she's going through that, too, and they won't help her. That's why the world is crumbling, reciprocity for those who suffer unnecessarily.

Now, new parameters have been exacted here: Anything that humans deprive me or my wife or the homeless animals of will now be taken from them...That's a whole lot of scaling down that's going to take place.

I did a cover of a song from a movie I watched with the wife. The movie is called A Street Cat Named Bob. I did a cover of one of the songs that the lead actor, Luke Treadaway, did in the movie with his acoustic as backdrop for a montage set. When I went to research the song and get the lyrics, I found that nobody else had covered it. I listened to the studio version and was disappointed by how the song didn't seem as strong with more production. I wanted to cover the version I heard in the movie, the one of just a voice and guitar that only lasts about a minute and a half. To accomplish that, I had to sit with the movie and replay the part where the song was until I wrote the lyrics down the way they were sung in the movie, which were slightly different and sometimes gave new depth to the song.

I intended to practice the song for a few days and then do a super good version of it to upload. But I was being pestered by an inter-gnat trolling me and I wanted to prove to that nonexistent phantom that I defied that Negative Frequency Resonance with Positive Frequency Resonance. So I pulled out my laptop and practiced the song a few times while recording it. Then I picked the one that was closest to being good (none of them were actually good), the middle one, and uploaded it.

Then, I went through the manic depression attack and plotted out my suicide, something I do quite often, as it turns out. I got up and went to twitter to do a final rant about white devils and fake Illuminati controlled "Christians". I logged in and did something I never do, I clicked the notifications icon. There at the top of the list sat a notification that Luke Treadaway liked my tweet with his song in it. I have no idea if it's the real Luke Treadaway or not. It doesn't matter to me. Someone liked my crappy cover of that awesome song and it temporarily changed the direction of my thoughts. My own "Christian" family can't be imposed upon to show ANY form of support online. They act like lightning would strike them if they click like on any of my content. Their Illuminati controlled pastors have them brainwashed to do evil and not good. This generation of Christians refuse to do good. They manifest the prophecy "To do evil their feet run fast, but to do good they will not move" (paraphrased, of course, to clarify the meaning better).

I'm the oldest of 5 siblings and they never show any support for my missions or media. They're fucked-up monsters, as far as I'm concerned.

My wife is still being deprived by the Christians and the world that they serve. There's no difference between a Christian and a drunken bar fly, except the drunken bar fly might donate to your cause while the Christians will judge you as "unworthy" of their support. Christians refuse to defy their Illuminati masters to participate in ANY restorative efforts that don't coddle drunks, junkies, pedophiles, adulterers and rapists...This is FACT, yo. I test it with every passing second and NO donations ever come from any "Christians"...It's always Atheists who have the burden of Christ for our missions in their spirits. Christians just want to get blessed, get material possessions, commit adultery, sponsor the diddling of kids, and play the big shot all the time with the money that they pilfered from God's animals, some of which they gave to charlatans who made them think that it's okay to behave that way.

They deprive my wife to deprive me. They deprive me to deprive the animals and other entities that I minister to. They do this to cause the generation of Negative Frequency Resonance so that they can continue to make humans ill and capitalize on it (multi-trillion dollar healthcare/pharmaceutical scams involving causing suffering for profit). The new parameters will take care of this problem, even if it must strip them down to nothing, like my wife and me. Nobody's getting away with having more than my wife and me in this simulation mechanism any more. We're collecting for that now, per penny, per molecule, per second of possession, etc. I get cartoonish with execution of punishment upon the nonexistent who were too cocky to realize that they're on probation (don't even exist yet). And running amok being greedy parasites who destroy the host and cause unnecessary suffering is a sure-fire way to ensure that they won't exist when this temporary timeline is undone (right along with them).

As mean-spirited and ugly as it is for God's animals and people like my wife who rise up to try to help those animals, it'll become a trillion times WORSE for those by whom those offenses come. It matters not what they claim to be or believe. Then, come the after death time loops to collect and reciprocate, followed by spiritual executions to ensure that they never exist to cause the problems that they caused while in preexistence mode.

I know I'm lagging in sharing the stuff I said I'd share here. But my heart's not really in it as long as you can be controlled to deprive me of the support I'm due for this ministry. I'm not a beggar, yet humans insist on transforming me into one. I've got THAT on autopilot for reciprocity, too. Omission begets omission.

There's a real hands of God ministry being neglected right now. I want to encourage you to visit Kitty Village and show some love for GOD by extending your hands to help His animals. This is not something being done for money. I'd rather someone else do it who has a greater gift for fundraising, because this all takes money that I simply do not have. My poverty becomes an even greater burden on my soul due to this ripple effect suffering being facilitated by it.

Old Boots In Sand Modern Art by Vincent Ciofani


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