Brain Parasite Symptoms
The world is waking up! Peep this post I found out there:
Okay. So we’re in the era of zombies created with the brain parasites combined with mainstream sub-frequencies and triggering. The world has become dangerous. You’re armed. But there are times when your finger should be on the trigger and your safety should be disengaged and you know it.
How do you tell if someone is a zombie infested with brain parasites? There are some easy tells in the obvious most prevalent symptoms. Some of those symptoms are:
They’re entertained by violence, rap, sports, mean-spirited content and themes.
They like mainstream music.
They vandalize property.
They bully others.
They’re self-absorbed and don’t care how they effect others.
They’re greedy and usually stingy.
They’re lazy and always want easy money.
They ignore the plight of the 70 million homeless animals.
They like to cause suffering of others and animals.
They use racial epithets and are racist against those they owe gratitude to.
They refuse to comply with law enforcement.
They lie.
They molest the lives of others.
They make negative comments and thumbs down content online.
They don’t have strong work ethics nor a sense of pride in their crafts.
They regurgitate misinformation and are willfully dumbed-down.
They rationalize their own behavior and abide by double standards.
They like chemical dope and alcohol.
They don’t like Marijuana.
They have tattoos.
They lost their “T”…e.i: They pronounce “important” as “impor-ant”.
They cause the generation of Negative Frequency Resonance, constantly.
These are a few symptoms to help you readily identify if someone has brain parasites…Remember that they can be dangerous zombies and you never know when they’ll be activated against you or even themselves. It’s best to avoid all venues and situations where there are brain parasite infested mainstream created zombies in attendance…for realz.
This was out there. Someone is awake.