Science Fiction Trivializing Reality - AI Zombie Slave Burdens
How anyone can watch the science fiction of today and not have a clue about what we're doing here is beyond me. They must be too...

Ancient AI Alien Parasites Are Mind Controlling "Christians"!
Ancient AI Alien Parasites Are Mind Controlling Christians! This is a rant in response to a demonic video produced by BPEarthWatch, who's...

AI Changed Scriptures To Scapegoat & Make Us Hate God & Lucifer
There are many who hate God and/or Satan based on the doctored translations from the doctored scrolls. The ancient AI was already...

What The Ancient AI Doesn't Know
What The Ancient AI Doesn't Know Please support this channel. You don't need a PayPal account to donate using this link...

When Christ Battled Artificial Intelligence
Reading from what's left of the scripture in Mark 6. Please support this channel. You don't need to have a payPal account to use this...