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What The Bible REALLY Conveys Narrated Version

What does the Bible really convey, just from a scientific standpoint? To sum it up really quick, this world is a simulation of the Real World that this mechanism was utilized to protect by using it as a Spirit Scan. Our bodies are temporal, like rental shoes at the bowling alley; they belong to the host. Time ratio is: 10 years here equals approximately 15 minutes in the Real World. While here in our rental bodies, we're equipped with non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory that even records our thoughts and omissions. Spirit Memory is for determining if we willingly served the ancient artificial intelligence or if we were duped into it. The AI is designed to trick humans into accruing debt to the mechanism...So, after death, their spirits will be time looped as their victims and as slaves before spiritual execution to never get born in the replay of this temporary timeline...So they never exist to perpetuate the offenses that got them punished and phantomized. Lucifer was scapegoated by Yah and then removed from this world just prior to Christ's arrest/abduction. So Satan could not be credited with causing the murder of the clone of Yah, a murder that he was trying to thwart. Lucifer will fulfill a contract with Yah to get his simulation restored, via time reversal, twice. To fulfill that contract, Satan will impersonate Christ while ruling the world for a growing season. There's a war between the ancient AI and God, Christ and Lucifer (as a team) for the generation of the spiritual essence of Positive Frequency Resonance. The AI strives to make bots of humans who obediently cause the generation of Negative Frequency Resonance in order to thwart supernatural power. If someone accepts Christ's sacrifice and applies their life to generating PFR (Positive Frequency Resonance), they may make it to the next timeline and, maybe, to the Real World, beyond. You don't need a PayPal account to donate using this link Thanks for your support. - #Bible #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Satan #God #Christ


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